How to supply Fabric Banner Stands

Jamie Ashworth
by Jamie Ashworth 5 years ago

Fabric Banner Stands

The base of all Fabric banner stands are integrated into frame shape. The curvature of the base on each stand is different. These guidelines indicate which parts of the design will be visible or not.


Product code Product Name
FDSKES? Totem Pop up Stand - 2.3m
FDSLDN? Python Pop up Stand - 2.3m
FDSWIN? Baby Python Pop up Stand - 1.9m
FDSDUB? King Python Pop up Stand - 3.5m

Quick Links

Fabric File Supply
Using InDesign TGI Templates for Fabric


Special Requirements 

Quiet Zones

Respect the (Blue) quiet zones. Fabric stretches and shrinks (different amounts in different directions) during the production process so there is less accuracy compared to printing on paper. The templates may appear unusually large or proportioned. This is to allow for the stretch/shrinkage of the material.
For best results, keep all important elements well within the quiet zone.

The Quiet Zone Guide should not be present on the "Print Ready PDF".

Artwork sitting behind the quiet zone at the bottom sits beneath the frame.


Visible Area (approx)

Shows the approximate hemmed and stitched visible area of the finished item. This layer also indicates any folds or bends of the hardware that affect the visible area of the finished product. 

The Visible Area/Trim Guide should not be present on your "Print Ready PDF".

Finishing Layer

Contains a 2pt keyline page frame and a red or blue guide line on one edge  to assist with our cutting template and to indicate the front and reverse file.

This layer must be present on your PDF.


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